+998712667800, +998712667778 Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent city, Mirzo-Ulugbek district, st. Oltin Tepa, building 354
2013-06-03 17:25 1024

For two days, the heads of the regional branches of the Association of Chefs of Uzbekistan (APU) from 12 provinces of the country, the Republic of Karakalpakstan and Tashkent discussed their plans and ways to implement them, and also took part in a scientific and practical seminar.

For two days, the heads of the regional branches of the Association of Chefs of Uzbekistan (APU) from 12 provinces of the country, the Republic of Karakalpakstan and Tashkent discussed their plans and ways to implement them, and also took part in a scientific and practical seminar.

This meeting of professionals, for whom the issues of preserving and developing the culinary heritage of the country will now become not only important, but also an everyday matter, was preceded by a lot of preparatory work.

First of all, to determine the specific tasks and activities of the Association of Chefs of Uzbekistan in the light of Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No. 289 of October 10, 2012 "On measures to further improve the activities of catering organizations and improve the professional level of their employees."

Among such measures, an important step was the formation of the management and coordination system of the regional branches of the APU, marking a new stage in the activities of this young and promising republican public organization.

Speaking about this, the chairman of the Association of Chefs of Uzbekistan Akbar Umarov emphasized that this first joint meeting in this format should help in combining efforts to preserve and develop culinary art as the historical heritage of the country, create effective organizational and legal conditions for the development of the catering sector, taking into account national characteristics and modern gastronomic trends.

- In addition, one of the most important areas for us is also the training of highly qualified chefs and catering specialists, which will undoubtedly contribute to increasing the prestige of the national cuisine, its further popularization in our country and abroad, - said the head of the Association.

These and many other issues were covered in detail in their speeches by the other participants of the meeting and the scientific and practical seminar, which, in fact, became a kind of advanced training course for the heads of regional branches of the APU.

Moreover, if we take into account the composition of the speakers - experts of the association from among scientists and faculty of a number of domestic universities, as well as representatives of individual government departments. 

You can also name the topics of some of the reports and speeches made at the seminar. In particular, the prospects of the APU's activities in the country and abroad, a wide range of issues related to improving the quality of service and service at public catering enterprises, the organization of healthy and safe nutrition, the problems of professional development and retraining of personnel in this important service sector were considered. 

By the way, the practical part of the seminar was continued during the tasting of dishes from the healthy food menu compiled by specialists of the "Taste Laboratory" operating in the structure of the APU, based on local vegetables and products for inclusion in the recommended diet.     

It should also be noted that in almost all speeches, one way or another, the topic of interaction of regional representatives of the APU with the tourism and hospitality industry was sounded.

- The uniqueness of Uzbekistan's culinary traditions, deep historical roots and a variety of national dishes have contributed to the wide popularity of Uzbek cuisine abroad, which has long served as a symbol of oriental hospitality and is one of the incentives to attract foreign tourists to our country, - explained the organic relationship of tourism and cooking in an interview with a correspondent of the GoUzbekistan project.uz director of the International Center of Uzbek Culinary Art Anvar Allaberegnov.

It should be noted that among the regional heads of the association there are not only representatives of public catering enterprises and companies providing the supply of restaurant and kitchen equipment, but, for example, heads of leading hotels in a number of regions of Uzbekistan.

- Participation in the development of the Association of Chefs of Uzbekistan in our region is very important and honorable, especially in connection with the intensive development of a special industrial zone in the Jizzakh region, which attracted a lot of attention from foreign investors and other categories of foreigners, which, undoubtedly, should be taken into account by all local enterprises of the service sector and the hospitality industry, - stressed in an interview with the project GoUzbekistan.uz director of the Jizzakh hotel complex "Uzbekistan".

It was also said at the meeting that a separate and serious area of the Association's work is its participation in the activities of the World Association of the Community of Chefs (WACS), especially during international professional championships and competitions, contributing not only to the growth of the skills of domestic chefs, but also to the promotion of the national cuisine of Uzbekistan abroad.

In conversation with the management of the APU project GoUzbekistan.uz it became known about some upcoming events in which representatives of the tourism industry of Uzbekistan could also take part.

Among them, in particular, is the possible holding of an international charity swim championship in Uzbekistan, similar in format to the recent Pilaf Summit in Moscow.

We plan to pay special attention to this topic. Follow our publications.

On our own behalf, we would like to add that the opportunities of the Association of Chefs of Uzbekistan for the development of mutually beneficial cooperation with the tourism sector are not limited only to the issues of training personnel in tourist colleges or improving the quality of service in catering establishments and restaurants of hotels aimed at foreign visitors.

APU specialists and experts not only can and are already taking part in promoting Uzbekistan abroad as a popular gastronomic tourist destination.

As we have learned, the Association of Chefs of Uzbekistan is already exploring the possibility of participating in the development of gastronomic tourism in our country, which has not yet become a serious segment of the country's tourist market.

You can also add to this the prospects of the APU in the development of wine tourism.

Especially when you consider that in Uzbekistan, the ancient traditions of winemaking are an important part of the culinary heritage, a number of viticultural regions of our country have potential opportunities to receive tourists, and the local population has long been engaged in the production of well-known grape products, some of which are not only exported, but also included in the diet of foreign visitors.