+998712667800, +998712667778 Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent city, Mirzo-Ulugbek district, st. Oltin Tepa, building 354
2013-10-18 10:45 1042


October 20, 2013 in the park named after Abdullah Kadyri in the Utgan Kunlar tea house, for the first time in Uzbekistan, the Kassob championship will be held. Uzbek chefs will celebrate the International Chef's Day with a competition of famous kassobs and a big culinary holiday.

Uzbekistan is a country of ancient and unique culinary culture, which is inextricably linked with the spiritual life, traditions and customs of our people.  Uzbek cuisine, bright and multifaceted, has always had many specializations. One of these specialties was the basis of most of the Uzbek dishes. Kassob was the name of a person who was engaged in preparing meat for a dish. The Kassobs were not just butchers in the traditional sense of the word. Kassob is a professional of the highest class, who knows not only the anatomical component of his business, but also culinary, sanitary, and, most importantly, spiritual.

Experts in cooking know that Uzbekistan has had its own unique scheme of meat preparation from time immemorial. That each meat part processed by kassob has an old name and is intended for use in strictly defined dishes. More and more often today the words are heard: fillet, tenderloin, loin, and fewer and fewer people remember what sarpanja, bykyn or postdumba is.

Given the growing interest in Uzbek culinary traditions, it is very important to support them, develop and popularize them. Numerous culinary championships held throughout the Republic have already become a big step in the process of popularizing Uzbek culinary art. Another stage of this worthy path will be a unique celebration of the ancient and honorable culinary profession – the feast of Uzbek kassobs.

The Association of Chefs of Uzbekistan, established within the framework of the CM Resolution No. 289 of 10.10.2012. "On measures to further improve the activities of public catering and improve the professional level of its employees", holds the "Kassob Championship" and "Master class from the chefs of the Association", which will be held on October 20, 2013 on the day of the professional holiday "International Cook's Day" 10:00-16:00 in the park named after Abdullah Kadyri of Tashkent.

The Kassobov Championship and the Master Class from Chefs will be held in a completely new gastronomic format, which provides for many demonstrations of professional cooking techniques, which, according to surveys, are the most interesting and in demand today for the gastronomic business of our country. 

The program of events includes competitions in "traditional" rituals for Kassobs, master classes on the standards of cutting, packing, packaging, storage, as well as cooking various dishes depending on the variety and category of meat. Within the framework of the holiday, there will be a seminar on meat processing technology, a concert program, sales fairs and tastings.

The Association of Chefs of Uzbekistan conducted a fundamental study of the traditional technology of processing meat with Uzbek cassobs. The results of this study are supplemented with modern rules, techniques and have compiled a "Manual for a butcher (cassoba)". Of particular interest to connoisseurs of Uzbek cuisine is the dictionary of kassob terms, which is decorated with this work. The unique manual will be presented to the culinary community for the first time, and the participants of the Kassob Holiday will receive a preliminary version of this exclusive study as a gift.

The participants of the grandiose Kassob Championship will be professional butchers of large supermarkets, shops, wholesale bases and meat centers, as well as butchers of large bazaars of the city of Tashkent and foreign representatives.

The main outcome of the event will be the development and publication of methodological literature on healthy nutrition, the preservation of national traditions and international standards of butchers for specialists of educational institutions, enterprises in the field of public catering. All sponsors of the championship will be marked in the manuals.

According to the results of the competition, the winners of the championship and the participants of the master classes will be awarded with valuable gifts, prizes and certificates. 

The main prize from the general sponsor - the ARTEL trademark – 8 electric mini-furnaces. 

The Association of Chefs of Uzbekistan invites journalists of television, radio, print and Internet media to the Big Kassob Holiday.

Organizers: Association of Chefs of Uzbekistan

Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Ministry of Health.

Khokimiyat of Tashkent

Committee on Religious Affairs under the Cabinet of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Sports and health complex "Zhar"

Restaurant "Golden Hill"

Teahouse "Utgan kunlar"