+998712667800, +998712667778 Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent city, Mirzo-Ulugbek district, st. Oltin Tepa, building 354
2014-03-04 12:25 1153


Charity pilaf Championship "Хар кунимиз Наврўз бўлсин!"

Let our every day be Navruz!

On March 29, 2014, a charity pilaf championship will be held in Chust, Namangan region, dedicated to the celebration of the spring holiday of Navruz.

The organizers of the next culinary championship in the Fergana Valley will be the culinary Internet project "Oshxona.uz " and the Association of Chefs of Uzbekistan.

The charity pilaf championship will be open to all interested professionals and amateur athletes, not only in the Fergana Valley, but also in all regions of the country.

All participants will be awarded diplomas and commemorative certificates, and all the funds collected will be transferred to the orphanage No. 26 of Namangan region.

It should be recalled that Navruz occupies a special place in the spiritual life of the peoples of Central Asia, has deep and strong traditions of its celebration, and UNESCO, at the suggestion of a number of countries, including Uzbekistan, included this spring holiday in the list of intangible cultural heritage of mankind.  

In Uzbekistan, this ancient holiday plays an important role in awakening feelings of kindness and mercy in the hearts of people, strengthening the atmosphere of mutual respect and harmony in society, educating the younger generation in the spirit of national values and traditions.

According to the decision of the leadership of Uzbekistan, this year national festivities in all cities, districts and villages of the country will be held under the motto "ҲAr kunimiz Navryz bylsin!" - "Let our every day be Navruz!".

The charity pilaf Championship "ҲAr kunimiz Navryz bylsin!" is a unifying event in the cultural life of the country!

Time of the championship: from 10:00 to 16:00.

Venue: hospitable Oshxona.uz in Chust

Members of the jury: Experts Association of Chefs of Uzbekistan and culinary blog Oshxona.uz

Coordinator for organizational issues of the championship: Bahriddin Nazhmiddinov tel: +998901886839